Hip Stability and Biomechanics WOW Factor

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In this course you will learn a comprehensive approach to helping your client achieve functional hip stability with free and functional movement. We look at the biomechanics of the hip in detail, the influence of pelvic tilts on the hip, how to achieve good hip dissociation and what makes specific hip exercises less effective for some clients and more effective for other clients. You will also learn a full hip stability training program with clear objectives for each exercise and the possible compensations and how to avoid these.


This course will teach you, the professional, how to help your clients achieve, efficient and safe hip stability while taking injuries, sport, age and restrictions into account. You will learn:

  • the biomechanics of the hip
  • what common compensations occur during hip training and how to avoid these
  • the optimal positioning for maximum output of stabilizing muscle contractions
  • how to easily notice imbalances in hip training
  • exercises that encourage an awareness of a fully functional hip
  • a hip stability exercise program using no props and small props
  • how muscular imbalances directly affect the efficiency of strengthening exercises
  • all the tools, verbal and tactile cues, and movements that will make your hip stability exercise programs so effective
  • how to help your client develop the mind-body connection to successfully perform hip dissociation

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Hip Stability and Biomechanics WOW Factor

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