Controversy, Ethics, and Jazzing Up A Basic Exercise

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This video was filmed in 2018. Any information relating to  member registration information and/or discounts has changed since and is no longer applicable.


We discuss workplace ethics and common sense when helping your clients.

What is common sense practice in a fitness environment?
Do you prepare for your classes, taking your client’s goal into account?
Do your classes flow from one exercise into the next or do you go from lying down to standing and back to sitting?
Do you modify your program if your client comes in with a new injury or pain?
What is your energy/vibe in your space and with your clients?

How can you modify an exercise based on your client’s body?

We also briefly discuss exercising clients with injured spines and misinformation that can aggravate the injury and the effects later in life when you age.

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Controversy, Ethics, and Jazzing Up A Basic Exercise

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