The ‘Why’ Behind Compensations – Be Amazed

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The ‘Why’ Behind Compensations – Be Amazed

Why do compensations occur?

In this course, we assess the most common compensations that occur while your clients are exercising in detail. You will learn the reason for the compensations and how to avoid them through effective cueing.

Improve your critical thinking and finally understand the biomechanics behind compensations when assessing negative movement patterns.


This course was designed to give you, the professional, an in-depth look into the common compensations that occur during exercise and how to avoid them.

You will learn:

  • the biomechanics of the most common compensations that occur in an exercise class i.e. hip flexors versus lumbar back extensors, thoracic spine versus lumbar spine, gluteus maximus versus hamstrings
  • the relationship between the agonists and antagonists in terms of compensatory patterns
  • how to anticipate the compensations and avoid them through the correct cueing
  • to notice, assess and decipher the reason for the compensation
  • the appropriate change that is needed to avoid the compensation
  • helpful cues when anticipating the compensation
  • helpful cues when correcting the compensation

For some additional quick tips, check out our YOUTUBE channel.

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