Knee Stability and Biomechanics WOW Factor

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In this course we teach you a safe program to obtain optimal knee health, stability, and functionality. We teach you knee training precautions, genu varus, genu valgus and genu varum and how you can successfully assess and train these alignments. You will learn the difference between postural knock knees and bowlegs and structural knock knees and bowlegs. We also look at the relationship between the knee, hip & pelvic stability. We dive into the biomechanics of the knee and help you develop a deeper understanding of the chain reactions that occur with a client’s habitual knee, hip & pelvic patterns. But more importantly, we focus on the practical exercise component where we merge the theory and the practical work to formulate exercise programs that are client specific. Client movement and musculoskeletal restrictions are considered throughout this course to guide you in understanding compensations and how to correct or prevent these.


This course was designed to teach you the correct biomechanics of the knee and how to obtain optimal knee stability and strength. You will learn:

  • the anatomy and biomechanics of the knee
  • how to assess compensations and how to avoid them
  • what exercises form a strong foundation for obtaining healthy knees
  • what exercises are uncomfortable for sensitive knees and why
  • the difference between structural and postural knock knees and bowlegs
  • the biomechanics of sway-back knees
  • how to use the concepts of closed-chain and open-chain training to achieve functional knee range and strength
  • the influence of hip instability on the knee joint, the chain reactions that occur in the knee joint due to hip alignment
  • the most common knee exercises that are causing discomfort for your clients and why they are causing discomfort
  • the progression of knee strengthening exercises

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Knee Stability and Biomechanics WOW Factor

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