Training Your Eye

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‘Training your eye’ is a fundamental skill that is needed for any Fitness or Movement Professional to assist a client or patient in obtaining optimal results. The 5 fundamental Movement Principles (hip-flexor abdominal co-ordination, hip disassociation, spinal articulation and isolation, shoulder free movement and stability and mind-body connection) need to be assessed and taught by the Professional. Knowing exactly what you are looking for with regards to each movement principle and how to fix any compensation in that movement will enable your client or patient to obtain optimal results in any exercise or rehabilitation program. In this course we are eliminating the general cues of ‘stabilize,’ ‘hold your core,’ ‘keep the pelvis still,’ and we are bringing in more educated cues of what will stabilize the specific area and how it will stabilize the area. We also take a deeper look at what would have caused an instability and how you can change an exercise to help a client target the desired area better.


This course was designed to enable you, the professional, to train your eye. It gives you that professional advantage displaying to your clients that you are results driven and that you are knowledgeable in your industry. You will learn:

  • the anatomy and biomechanics of each exercise
  • the 5 movement principals and how these form a strong foundation for all exercise programs that are promoting functional movement and strength
  • how to anticipate, assess and correct all compensations in each exercise
  • how to incorporate the 5 fundamental Movement Principles to promote a holistic, full-body approach to all your exercise programs
  • the exercises that should form part of your exercise programs to promote functional movement and stability in your clients’ programs
  • positive versus negative form by watching as we teach these exercises on two different individuals
  • how to train your eye to view movement from an analysis perspective

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Training Your Eye

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