Shoulder Stabilization And Biomechanics WOW Factor

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In this course you will learn a unique approach to helping your client achieve functional shoulder stability, free and functional movement. We have done extensive research on shoulders and if you want to learn about how to assist your clients’ shoulders in obtaining functional shoulders, then you have come to the right place. In this course we look at all of the methods that we have tried and tested, done EMG tests on and helped an array of sportsmen, sportswomen, and others with this revolutionary work. This is a condensed version of our new full Shoulder Stability Protocol course which you will also find on the website. You will discover; the missing element in all shoulder programs that is going to revolutionize your shoulder teaching. You will learn a new shoulder stability technique that will have a profound effect on your clients or patients shoulder health.

Shoulder Stabilization And Biomechanics WOW Factor


This course will teach you, the professional, how to help your clients achieve, efficient and safe shoulder stability. You will learn:

  • the biomechanics of the shoulder
  • what common compensations occur during shoulder training and how to avoid these
  • how to easily notice imbalances in the scapula glide
  • exercises that encourage and awareness of the brace triangle
  • a unique teaching style that is specific to all scapula glide re-training
  • how to successfully teach efficient shoulder stability
  • all the tools, verbal and tactile cues, and movements that make your shoulder stability exercise programs so effective
  • how to help your client develop the mind-body connection to the inferior angle of the scapula for an easier and stress-free scapula glide
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